Little Bit About Kat...

Having always loved a great story, Kat's books resonate her love of children and family. A mother of 4, and grandma too, Kat loves to tell stories. Whether it's of animals, kids, mysterious happens or even a walk in the park.... Kat believes in the magic of being in the moment.

Having spent years in Real Estate, Kat has loved helping families and learning their stories too. Her passion for her family, her life story, and her love for Jesus all lead her to discover these stories she tells. Knowing that LOVE always wins, and navigates so many choices to help you on your life's journey...

From the fields of DeKalb Illinois, to the mountains of Greater Las Vegas.... To the people she met in Hawaii, Alaska, and from NYC all the way to Downtown LA. To the regular's who inspire her daily with their laughter, smiles and an occasional CHEERS!

Dedicated to my children, and their children, for generates to come... 


Love you more,




Katherine 'Kat' Gannon


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Available for pubic speaking, private events and book signings.